Our Story
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Our mission is to help foster self-confidence and hope when dealing with troubling
hair loss issues. We have done this by creating a range of products that help to treat various forms of alopecia and hair loss
in the most natural, gentle, and sustainable way possible.
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Hi, I'm Jass,
In 2012, I was diagnosed with an extreme form of hair loss called Alopecia. I was losing my hair in small, round, smooth patches on my scalp. My hair was thinning at a rapid pace and I didn't know what to do.
I prayed about my hair loss and thankfully God lead me to make an all natural mixture, that has helped to stop my hair loss and regrow my hair. This was where our products were born.
I am so happy to say that my hair has been growing back, slowly but surely since then. I am Alopecia Free!
Through this journey I discovered that helping people treat their hair problems has become a passion of mine now, which is why I am proud to now be a certified Trichologist.
At Alopecia Free, our goal is to provide more than products. We want to provide support and educate you through a variety of resources. I invite you to dig into our blog, watch our videos, and learn more.[/col]
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